More flies


Well-known member
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South New Jersey
Like to hear what you guy's think of my flies. Basic pattern's hopefully I have improved since I began tying. Sorry about some photo's my wife snap these using her phone. Here they are:

Reaction score
Gaithersburg, MD.
Hackle too long, looks like thread is coming unwrapped at the eye. Get a whip finish tool, if you have one, watch some videos on you tube on how to use it.

Looks good, body could be a little more tapered - thin at the back , thicker towards the bead.

Also looks good, try not to cover the eye with the thread. Use wax to prevent it slipping forward

Also good, hackle too long and pointing the wrong direction. Hackles are curved, tie them in so the fibers point to the back on this fly.

Good fly

WAY too much anton for the wing. use about 1/10th of what you've used here

Reverse tapered body, otherwise ok.

Revers tapered body, hackle too long, crowded eye

While this may seem harsh criticism, these flies will fish well. You just need to work on thread wraps, and material selection. Not too much material eg antron, hackle that are the correct size for the hook, use wax on your thread at the eyes if necessary, make sure the bodies are tapering the right direction - back (thin) to front (thicker than back)

i'll also suggest sticking to tying one pattern and keep tying it until you can tie it consistently well. tie 10 or 12 at a time to see what you need to change or what you like from one to the other....that way you'll see the biggest improvement
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Well-known member
Reaction score
South New Jersey
Thanks for telling what you think, I have been using too much hackle I also don't know what the best section is. On the Ant I just didn't trim the thread close enough I do have a whip finisher tool. On my guide book that's how the poly caddis look's. The Nymph was an older one I have tied 10 more of those my body got alot closer to the beadhead also I use more dubbing now it's better now. My wife told me to that I'am putting too much material near the eye of the hook.